Discover Tomar

Templar City - Tomar

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Tomar is a small and fascinating city nestled in central Portugal on the banks of the Nabão River. Despite its modest area of only 351.2 square kilometers and a population of around 20,000, the city regularly attracts tourists. It becomes particularly popular during the summer months from April to September.

The Legacy of the Knights Templar

Tomar Portugal dates back to the Middle Ages. At this time, Portugal was in the process of liberating its territory from the Moors – the Reconquista. The powerful Tomar Knights Templar, played a great role in this event. 

Afonso I, who came to the throne, continued the expulsion of the Moors and in 1147, with the support of the Order, liberated the district of Santaray, for which he gave the Templars the surrounding land between the Tagus and Mondego rivers. To protect the borders of the Kingdom, Pais, with the help of the Templars, begins the construction of new castles and the restoration process of damaged ones. 

In 1160, on his order, the Tomar Portugal Knights Templar began the construction of the new castle of Tomar on a hill, at the base of which the city of the same name began to grow and expand along the banks of the Naban River. 

The Convent of Christ: Heritage of Templar Architecture

Those who come to the city for the first time and are concerned about what to see in Tomar Portugal will surely be delighted by the Convent of Christ. The building is the pride of the Portuguese Templars and their heirs. The Convent of Christ has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site for over 40 years. It was founded in the XII century as a castle of knights, and 2 centuries later was transformed into a monastery. Its architecture is a mixture of Gothic and Renaissance styles with elements of Moorish style. Over the years, a small town, Tomar, began to develop around the fortress.

A pleasant addition and a visiting card of the monument is also the church of Charola. It has a round shape and is decorated with unusual floral motifs. Architects built it for more than 10 years and decorated it on the model of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Inside, Charola is decorated with Gothic paintings and sculptures, as well as engravings resembling hieroglyphics of old scriptures. After the abolition of the Templar Order in 1312 and the transfer of the castle to the Order of Christ, the church was significantly rebuilt in the Manueline style: a nave was added to the round church, turning it into an apse.

Medieval Fortress: The Castle of Tomar

The Tomar Castle was one of the first abodes of the famous military order in Portugal and the most famous of them all. The process of its creation started in the XII century around the church similar to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. 

However, two centuries later, in Europe began the persecution of the Templars. They found protection only from the Portuguese king Dinis I. The cunning monarch found a compromise – dissolved the Templars and immediately gathered the Order of Christ, where he became Chief Master. The castle was converted into a monastery Convento de Cristo, although in fact, it remained the “headquarters” of the order.

Thanks to Dinis, the Templar castle at Tomar continued to flourish. It was renovated several times in accordance with fashionable trends and became a masterpiece of the elegant Portuguese Manuelino style. However, it is not only its architectural value that attracts visitors. There is a legend that the former Templars in Portugal encoded in the stone decorations of the castle the way to the Grail and other treasures. Whether this is true or not, no one has yet found out for sure, but many people admire the views of the city from the castle.

Get into the Templar Spirit

Tomar is a city where history intertwines with architectural marvels, creating an unforgettable atmosphere worth experiencing for every traveler. What to do in Tomar Portugal? The are options for all types of visitors: 

  • For religious people and pilgrimage, there is the UNESCO World Heritage Site Convent of Christ.
  • For the fans of history, the Republic Square will be a discovery.
  • Connoisseurs of scenic views and long walks will appreciate the Pegoes Aqueduct.

Also, don’t miss the opportunity to visit the oldest synagogue in Portugal, which is now a museum. Tomar Portugal is surrounded by picturesque hills and valleys offering great outdoor activities. Its inhabitants are known for their warm hospitality.